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English Language Challenges

Hello readers, in today’s blog I Will tell you a Little bit about my experience learning English at university this semester. I have always liked to learn and practice English because I think that everytime that I speak or write in this language I improve the confidence in myself. In this subject that think that I did not learn too much because maybe it was more writing than speaking and I think that this skill is the one that I need to improve more than the others. I liked to write blogs because I never did something like this before and it was nice to read my classmates comments and it feels good to know that what you are writing is going to be read by someone that maybe you do not even know. But maybe we should write about different topics, because most of them were about my career or something about it. One thing that I think that must be changed is that we should receive a feedback about our blogs and writing because if we do not know what we are doing wrong we can’t improve our
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changes to my study programme.

Hello everyone, today I will write about changes that I would implement to my study program. First of all, I want to mention the workload that almost all the university students have especially in my career, we do not even have time to do other activities or a properly free time to rest or even to study well to a test.  I think that if we could have less work to do, we would have better results and we would not only memorize all the knowledge that we have to keep in our minds, because everyday teachers give us a lot of information that it is almost impossible to get completely. Other aspect that I would change if I could is about my subjects and their coordination with each other, especially with the assessments and calendar of activities. Also, sometimes some subjects do not respect their own programs, doing things at other times or expanding the activities of the semester because of a bad organization. On other hand, talking about the faculty facilities, I think that we need

A subject I enjoyed

To be honest I have not enjoyed many subjects among this two years of university, because most of them make me to be very stressed most of the time, sometimes I like a subject but I do not have much time to study and time to dedicate to it but I would say that I have had many interesting subjects so far. This term I enjoyed the subject named 'Bases Psicosociales y antropológicas de la salud II'. We had classes of different topics such as 'types of patients', 'dental phobia', 'self-efficacy' and others,   as you could read these are topics that we do not use to learn and it does not need a lot of study, I mean we need to study  for the testes but It is not about memorizing a big amount of information. For me it is very entertaining to read about this kind of things because it is different to all the subject that are about science, this one is more about how people is, and specially it tries to give an explication of how people behaviour affect the dent


My opinion about Chilean education is that it is not good at all because it is based on students memorizing much information that they forget very soon, in that way they don't really learn. On the other hand, the number of students in a class is very high so it is difficult for the teacher to manage it and teach everyone effectively because each student has different ways of learning. Regarding the legalization of marijuana I agree that it should be legalized but in a organized way and system, with clear laws and it is very important to have education about the topic, for especially the kids, defining the disadvantages, and with this we can end the illegal sale and drug trafficking.  Recycling should be a very important issue nowadays because urgent measures must be taken to start worrying about the future of the planet and the environment, there should be laws about it to support this cause and that big companies must be more rigorously watches because industries are what p

My future job :)

Hello everyone, in this post I will tell you about my future job. As you know I am studying Dentistry, so my future job will be related to this (I hope). Many of you might think that this is a boring job because we need to stay most of the time inside a clinic room, hospitals and that kind of places. That is something that I do not like much, I imagine myself going to different places, specially going to the countryside to help people that not always have the chance to go to the city in order to have medical or dental attention. I also want to have my own place to work so in that way I can be my own boss and have the chance to organize my time. Most of the people think that dentist earn much money, it is not the most important part of the job but it is relevant because I would like to travel a lot, have good vacations and have the opportunity to know many places as possible and for doing that I need money, so I will have to work hard to deserve and earn that money. I would lik

Postgraduated Studies

Talking about postgraduated studies is a bit difficult for me because I am still not sure what I want to study after finishing my career, but there is only one thing that I am completely sure, I want to keep studying, it would be great if I can do it abroad, maybe in USA, England or other country, maybe choose where   the best Universities of Dentistry are. I have thought that maybe I could study a Professional specialization that could be Pediatric dentistry, but I need experience working at the clinic to be able to decide with certainty something for my future depending on my skills and the subjects that I like to study. I have also thought about studying a magister in Dentistry Sciences.     I prefer a part time course because in that way I will be able to have a job while I    am studying, maybe it is going to be hard doing both at the same time but all postgraduated studies are paid and I will need the money to study them. With the time and experience, I suppose that my pref

My choice: dentistry

Hello everyone, today I will tell you a little bit about the career that I chose. At this moment I’m studying Dentistry at University of Chile, this is my second year. I do not remember exactly the moment or year I chose to study this, but it was many years ago, it was always my first and maybe only option I had. I always liked science and helping people and that is why I made this decision. In this profession we are responsible of the oral health, the prevention, treatment and diagnosis. It is a very difficult career because it has two parts, the theoretical and the one about manual skills that you need. It has been exhausting so far, we must study too much, but it is comforting that someday we will be the ones who are going to change somebody’s life, we can make someone to smile again, and give people a better quality of life. In the other hand as you probably know, dentistry is the most expensive career, for students this is maybe the most difficult part, we need a lot of mat